Eclipse Pictures

Eclipse Pictures

"Recommendation: Termination" went into production in the Fall of 2013, directly after the release of "Shadows of the Past," the final original Agent 07 film. Initially, the style and role of the new project within AMPCorp was uncertain, but as the project began to take shame, it became clear that the film would both more GK Productions in a new direction while building upon central elements of the Agent 07 franchise. Therefore, Eclipse Pictures, a new subdivision of GK Productions, was created to produce post-Agent 07 short films that worked in the same tradition.

Eclipse Pictures produces espionage films that retain elements of the Agent 07 movies' style and ambition, while incorporating new aesthetics and themes. So far the subdivision has produced five films, "Recommendation: Termination" (2014), "In the Balance" (2015), "Means to an End" (2016), "Slides" (2017) and "Safe House" (2018). These films are created by the same producers as the Agent 07 films, but each one mixes up the actors, plots, characters, and locations, resulting in stand-alone and unique movies.

Eclipse Pictures produced AMPCorp's premier short films from 2014-2018, and was the flagship project of GK Productions until the return of the Agent 07 franchise in 2019.