LEGACY 15 Projects Updates

04/07/2015 12:04

Each division of AMPCorp has been working on a special edition LEGACY 15 project, in celebration fo AMPCorp's 15th Anniversary. This celebration also corresponds with the 15th anniversary of GK Productions and AMP Productions, and the 10th year of Beat's Myth, GK Music and the Philip Krieg franchise. Each LEGACY 15 project is a remake, reboot or continuation of a major or founding project in AMPCorp's past, with special branding to make its role in celebrating AMPCorp's 15 years clear.

In February, GK Productions released its contribution to this celebration, "GK Star Trek: Echoes of Yesterday," which nostalgically continued the continuity of the original GK Star Trek films, which founded GK Productions and were created between 2000 and 2003. The short film featured clips from the original films, and a storyline that tied into themes of the past, future, and memory.

The next LEGACY 15 project to be released will be GK Music's triple-music-video from its latest album, "Mists." All the details are not yet set in stone, but the video should be released before the end of April, and will feature the new song "Mists," as well as re-recordings of "Where Did You Go" and "I Walk," which are tracks from previous albums. The working title for this project is simply "Mists" the Music Video, and it may feature a part performed by Charlotte Ferris. Much of the video has already been filmed, as well as several of the musical tracks.

D-Dowd Production's LEGACY 15 contribution is also going into production this Friday. It is a short series of about 5 episodes called "The Amazing James Crabb," a satirical reboot of the series which founded D-Dowd Productions. The original "James Crabb: Hermit Crab Adventures" series, which ran from 2003-2005 in three seasons, was an essential project in AMPCorp history, largely introducing Charlotte Ferris, Brian and Emily Smith to filmmaking altogether, and serving as one of the first projects Philip Krieg, Martin and Peter Groff directed themselves. Although a primitive show by current AMPCorp standards, it remains a favorite of its members, who remember it as a fun and often unintentionally comical attempt at making a serious series. The reboot will bring these comedic elements to the forefront, with silly slapstick sequences as well as the verbal and character-driven comedy that has become an essential part of other projects like "The Charlotte Ferris Show."

Finally, this fall, look for AMP Production's LEGACY 15 short film, "Your Friendly Neighborhood Ghost-Busters." This will be a loose remake of the very first official AMPCorp project, "AMP Classics," a since-lost project that featured segments of Star Trek, Ghostbusters and army-action material. The new short film, scheduled for a Halloween release, will feature several remembered sequences and motifs from the original "AMP Classics," but with a mostly reconstructed plot and original characters. 

Also stay tuned for AMP Production's "15th Anniversary Special," which will include clips of our 15 greatest project, series, characters and more! This video is currently in post-production, but the release date has not yet been decided.